Family-Friendly, Affordable Dentistry in Monroe, MI

Pinnacle Dental Group is a trusted family dentist in Monroe. We offer the best in family dentistry and cosmetic dentistry services. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing you with the utmost quality care and ensuring that you have an enjoyable experience at our office. Whether you're looking for routine treatment or more extensive work like restorations or cosmetic dentistry, we can help! Call us today to schedule your appointment!
Pinnacle Dental Group is a premier family dentist in Monroe. We offer various treatments to correct defects like cracks, chips and staining, and cosmetic issues. Our goal is to provide high-quality dentistry using advanced techniques and state-of-the-art technology for every patient so that they can enjoy a great-looking smile. Contact us if you have any questions about our services or schedule an appointment with one of our friendly staff today!
Contact Us:
Pinnacle Dental Group
Address: 1262 N Macomb Street, Monroe, MI 48162, USA
Phone: 734-241-6166
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